The Next Best Thing To House Calls

HEAPS empowers your clinical care managers post discharge and between encounters to give patients the healthcare experience they need, from the comfort of their homes.

HEAPS is a pioneering health-tech platform that enables Care Managers and Case Managers to better oversee, assess, and communicate with patients in a radically personalized way.

We Serve Insurance Companies, Hospitals, and Providers

Our clients know that consistent care from the right providers can improve health and retention. But Care/Case Managers are responsible for the entire healthcare journey, from patients in transition to members at home, all of which is impacted by adherence, timing, and social determinants of health.

In healthcare, one size fits none.

HEAPS bridges the gap between the personalization consumers expect and the reality of what a Care/Case Manager can deliver with existing resources. The result is a healthcare experience that drives better satisfaction, loyalty, and outcomes.

Our clients share many of the same goals.

Through the use of our platform HEAPS delivers the following benefits for each of our customers:

Insurance Companies

✓ Meaningful Member Engagement
✓ Better HEDIS Scores
✓ Increased Network Retention
✓ Higher Member Satisfaction Ratings
✓ Lower Cost of Care

Hospitals & Care Groups

✓ Reduced Readmissions
✓ Reduced ED Visits
✓ Better Outcomes
✓ Reduced Burnout of Case Managers
✓ Better STAR Ratings


✓ Enhanced Patient Engagement
✓ Improved Identification and Management of the Most Vulnerable Patients
✓ Better Disease Management
✓ Increased Compliance

It's Time to Close The Care Gap

Consumers of healthcare stay on the right path while in the hospital or when they are in front of healthcare staff. 

But what happens after discharge, when they are home? Many times, for a number of reasons, they fall off that path. 

This disconnect impacts their health and your bottom line. 

HEAPS Health closes the care gap by enabling meaningful, timely patient engagement backed by AI that is predictive and insightful.

From Discharge

To Home

To Better Healthcare

Who to Call

(via phone, text, email)


(per the AI-updated protocol)


(per the AI-updated protocol)

Data Drives Us

Our platform sources, analyzes, and summarizes complex data points into actionable insights through the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning.  

HEAPS extracts relevant data from all sources, including existing Electronic Medical Records, to produce a 360-degree view of each patient based on nationally recognized protocols.  

But we don't stop there.

Here are just a few ways we use data to help your Care/Case Managers direct proactive, personalized care.

What can you expect when you utilize the HEAPS platform?

  1. Staff that are empowered to make a difference
  2. Members that are calmer , healthier, and happier at home
  3. A lower cost of care that produces better outcomes and loyalty


Our product was developed by clinicians and I.T. professionals to fill a much needed gap in healthcare. We are the only health tech software company that does what we do, specifically automating workflow post acute and between encounters to increase patient satisfaction, reduce readmissions, and direct patients to appropriate care utilizing our back end intelligence.

We are able to generate information about patients touch points, and clinical questions Care Managers should ask throughout the post acute care journey, when patients are most vulnerable.

Technological advances, artificial intelligence and Machine learning  in healthcare have allowed us to offer this solution after 5 million successful patient interactions in our test market. 

HEAPS can work with your existing technology and make the most out of the investments you have already made. Unless it’s a handwritten note, we can pull relevant data to create a relevant care plan.

HEAPS was founded by Dr. Suman Katragadda in 2020 and has rapidly evolved to become a transformational leader in the health tech space.

Operations currently include India, the USA, Singapore, and the Middle East, with expansion into Europe, Africa, and Southeast Asia. HEAPS is privately funded and managed by a global leadership team.